

Ukraine: Unrest and Unstable

Ukraine: Unrest and Unstable

We live in shaky times. I read an article recently that highlighted how history repeats itself. The things happening now are a repeat of world history from decades before. I’m reminded of something Solomon said, “…there is nothing new under the sun…” (Ecc. 1:9). The issues keep changing clothes, but at the end of the day, they are still covering the same old sins. As long as the world continues, there will be nations (and people) seeking to take advantage of and abuse the weak. Where does that leave us? Stuck right in the middle. The Ukraine situation is sad, but let us not lose perspective. Atrocities have always been and will always be. I want us to consider a few truths:

  1. There are Christians on all sides of this issue. It is not just Ukrainian Christians under attack, but Russian Christians who are devastated by their government’s decision. Pray fervently for them all. They feel trapped by an oppressive regime, they don’t have the “checks and balance” system with which we are blessed. No voice, except prayer… But, thankfully there is no voice more powerful than the one used softly in prayer to the Almighty.
  2. “This world is not my home; I’m just-a passing through!” Far too many in our world put all their investments in temporal stock. They bet on the prize-winning candidate, policy, or government thinking that will solve everything. Legislation won’t make this world better, but Jesus can. Laws don’t work on the law-less. Our problems are not laws (lack or abundance), it is hearts in rebellion against God. The only remedy for our world, country, community, neighborhood, and home: is Jesus. (See Mt. 15:1-20, Jesus dealing with the heart-less service of the Jews — they didn’t lack laws: vv. 3&6, they lacked devotion to God.)
  3. This should perspectivise (pronounced: pro-spek-tiv-EYES, verb form of perspective, I just made it up) the whole process of governmental involvement in the world and elevate the government that, “…rest on His shoulders.” An administration of “peace,” “justice,” and “righteousness,” ruled forever by One called, “Wonderful, Councilor, Mighty…” and “Prince of Peace.” His sovereign righteous rule is astounding when compared to any other. (See Isa. 9:6-7)

I am unashamedly repeating a quote from class Wednesday night… “Never will the world be in its proper condition till with one unanimous shout it adores the only God.” Charles Spurgeon, Treasury of Sciprture, thoughts on Psalm 100:1.

Afghanistan earlier this year and Ukraine now— it is sad times. This is war. This war has been raging and will continue to rage. It isn’t happening in the streets of Ukraine, nor the far off fields of the Middle-East. It is happening in the hearts and homes of ever single person. Most are losing the fight. The unrest is ever-looming, the instability always lurking. We must wage the war; pick up our buckler of faith and march on. There is nothing new under the sun. The times have always been shaky, but thankfully we serve the Unshakable One.

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