

Not For The Reason They Think…

Not For The Reason They Think…

I saw something on the internet a few weeks ago. The story goes like this:

“He makes 55k a year and she makes 35k a year. They move in together. He expects her to pay half the rent. Is he wrong?”


Yes. I believe he is wrong, but not for the same reason many in the world might. This isn’t because of some progressive ideology and equality thing, because I believe she’s wrong too. No matter the “backstory” to the made up scenario, I believe they are both in the wrong. Why?

If they are not married what business do they have moving in together? I know this is considered antediluvian to say, but it must be stated — living together before marriage is wrong. Just because the world gladly jumps from one rent deposit to another with all sorts of different co-depositors, doesn’t mean they should! And it sure can’t be justifiable behavior for the believer. The Bible-believer should recognize that level of closeness and intimacy is reserved for the marriage union, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Heb. 13:4; see also Ephesians 5:22-30; etc). Sex is not something that should exist outside of marriage, and even more specifically a marriage where both parties have the right to be married.

If they were married before shacking up together, that would solve the financial dilemma. Although, I will admit it is not necessarily wrong to keep finances separate (to an extent). But, I do believe the ever growing, “business partner” approach to marriage is wrong. These two are not business partners who each put in 50% to cover the overhead and seek to accomplish quarterly goals like some corporation. They are joint-participants, “heirs together” in efforts to glorify Father God and get to heaven (see Ephesians 5:22-30; 1 Peter 3:1-7; etc). They may sit down and have financial meetings, that is quite appropriate and even necessary to operate a home successfully — but it is a far-cry from quarterly reports to the opposite director of operation. They are not business partners. They are one flesh wedded together by the grace of God and for God (see Gen. 2:24).

While the world seems to have lost sight of the true beauty in the sexual union, let the God-follower not. This is a precious relationship between two people committed to God and one-another, and is intended to only to be enjoyed in a God-authorized marriage. Our shack up society is destroying the sanctity of this special institution. May the Christian not be fooled by the times.

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